Thursday, April 16, 2009

Historic Ceramics Workshop

The annual field session presents an excellent opportunity for participants to hone skills in such areas as soils description and artifact identification. Traditionally, workshops on such subjects are held at lunchtime or in the evening during the field session. During this field session (May 22 through June 1) we will continue the tradition...but we will also break with it in a way that I think will benefit everybody.

Thanks to Dr. Patricia Samford, the MAC lab at J. Patterson Park & Museum will host a ceramics workshop on May 16, 10 AM to 2 PM, in the MAC lab conference room. I will serve as instructor and, using materials from Port Tobacco supplemented with slides and handouts, provide participants with the necessary tools to identify most historic ceramics as they emerge from the ground. I expect all workshop participants to become proficient ceramic identifiers after spending just a few days in the field at Port Tobacco.

Please bring a lunch and whatever scholarly apparatus (notebooks, pencils, etc.) you think necessary. This is a CAT event, but it is open to all ASM members. See you there.


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